b!z® WertschätzungsKette®
The journey begins with the first appropriate step

b!z® WertschätzungsKette®
The journey begins with the first appropriate step

What is the b!z® WertschätzungsKette®?
b!z®-hr, das ist Wertschätzung für alle Mitarbeitenden zu jedem Zeitpunkt. Mit dieser Grundhaltung und unseren Grundfragen Warum? Was? und Wie? arbeiten wir konsequent an der Strategie und den Prozessen unserer Kunden*innen und verankern diese im Unternehmen. Das gilt für alle Aufgabenbereiche, ob digital oder analog. Wenn Dir das auch wichtig ist und Du den Employee Life Cycle in Deinem Unternehmen entsprechend ausrichten oder weiter entwickeln willst, dann unterstützen wir Dich sehr gerne dabei.
Egal ob Du die gesamte HR-WertschätzungsKette® vom Personalmarketing und Employer Branding über die Rekrutierung und das Onboarding bis hin zur Mitarbeiterbindung und der Personal- und Führungskräfteentwicklung umkrempeln willst oder nur einzelne Bereiche Deines Talent Managements. Wir blicken mit Stolz auf umfangreiche Erfahrung und viele erfolgreiche Projekte zurück und freuen uns schon auf das nächste zusammen mit Dir.
Present your own company attractively without raising false expectations. That’s what we’re all about when we support you in developing your employer brand. Analyze the strengths of your corporate culture and, based on this, design communication with your potential new colleagues. But also not to forget the employees who are already on board. This increases the pride in your own company and promotes the success of your efforts on the job market. In addition, working conditions can be improved and necessary cultural changes can be initiated.
Business development always brings changes with it, which also leads to personnel changes. Individual persons or groups of employees are affected. In all cases, the separation process must be made reasonable and as fair and transparent as possible. Why? So that everyone, but especially the remaining employees, can quickly digest the burden of separation. After all, you want to remain successful or become successful again. And this requires the strength and commitment of everyone. We support you in the separation: be it in the preparation of the managers or in the accompaniment of colleagues who leave the company – up to the new placement in a new company.
Deine Chance, Dich besser kennenzulernen: Persönlichkeitsentwicklung mit dem LINC PERSONALITY PROFILER.
Neugierig? Hier findest Du mehr Informationen:
Tailor-made coaching for you and your team:
- In executive coaching, you and your company are the focus
- You seize your opportunity to implement professional and private goals with personal individual coaching
- Your opportunity to increase the collective performance of your team in the long term is offered by team coaching
- Coaching-on-the-job means that we are right in the middle of it instead of just being there.
Here you will get to know us as a coaching team:
Where do you want to develop? We offer employees, managers and all interested parties exciting training topics:
From resilience and communication to sales and digital leadership to leadership and women for women. Do you have individual wishes for your company team? Feel free to contact us!
From woman to woman – exploiting potential, strengthening self-confidence and recognising competence in change in a predominantly male-dominated corporate culture.
Our start with you:
- bookable at short notice from 1 hour
- billing 1/4-hourly accurate
- appointments in person and online
- without a contract
- no budget negotiations
We want a careful building of trust with you and all those affected!